2 Sugg Drive, Lisbon Falls, ME 04252


Lisbon High School

2 Sugg Drive    Map & Directions
Lisbon, ME 04252

Phone: 207-353-3030
Fax: 207-353-3047

Principal: Susan Magee Email

Assistant Principal: Tammy Hilton   Email

Guidance Counselor: Jill Piker    Email

Guidance Counselor: Shari Jordan    Email

Dear Student(s) and Parent(s)/Guardian(s):

Welcome back!  We are all very excited to start the 2023-2024 school year and look forward to seeing all 9th - 12th grade students on Thursday, August 31st.  This will be a RED day.  We will see Freshman only on August 30th for Freshman Orientation

We have been diligently working on some exciting changes at the high school!  The following are some reminders/important information/changes:

New Staff:

  •  Tammy Hilton- Assistant Principal
  • Zach Lutick- Athletic/Co-Curricular Director
  • Corey Wentworth- Mathematics
  • Billy Thompson- Social Studies
  • Laura Mills- Study Hall Monitor
  • Elaine Blier- Library Ed Tech III
  • Sandy Hogan- Ed Tech III

We will see you at our Open House on September 7th (5:00-6:00pm) to meet our new and existing staff!

  • Attendance:  We cannot emphasize enough the need for our students to be in school.  Students who consistently attend school are more likely to succeed academically.  One of our district goals is to reduce chronic absenteeism by 5% this school year.  We will be conducting attendance initiatives and monitoring this closely.  In a continued partnership, we can conquer or exceed this goal! 
  • Student Information System:  Did you know you can also sign up for daily or weekly alerts about your child’s attendance and grades?  There is an app available in App Store!  PowerSchool is an opportunity to ensure you are communicating with your child and their teachers about grades, attendance, etc… Please find your PowerSchool information included in this mailing so you can update/complete your individual student’s information.  All forms need to be updated/completed for all returning students.  It is important we have accurate information on file. 
  • Student Handbook:  The student handbook has been revised and is viewable on the district website at lisbonschoolsme.org.  Please be sure you are familiar with the expectations of all Lisbon High School students.  There will be a separate Athletic/Co-Curricular Handbook. 
  • Safety Within Our School:
  • Nutrition forms: All families should complete and return the nutrition form included in this mailing within the first week of school.  It is very important these are completed and returned even though breakfast/lunch remains free for all students. 
    • Technology:  We have made some adjustments to our daily schedule to accommodate 1:1 use of technology throughout the school day.  Parents are responsible to complete the online permission form within PowerSchool.  The technology contract will be reviewed with all students and they will need to sign the technology agreement.  Once this is signed by the student, all students will retrieve a laptop each day from their advocacy teacher before Period 1.They will be responsible for laptops throughout the day and return them at the end of the school day within their advocacy classroom (the schedule will reflect this change).If students choose to take ownership of a laptop for the school year, please see the main office for a contract and information.  There is a $40 technology fee for those who choose this option.  The fee for all students who qualify for free/reduced lunch and McKinney-Vento will be waived.

      Electronic devices are not to be used in study halls or during class. Students may have the privilege of using their electronic devices during their lunch block and in the hallways between classes as long as they are following school rules and expectations. Students may be asked at any time to put away and/or turn in their electronic devices. The following are additional expectations for electronic devices should they choose to bring them to school:

      • Electronic devices must be switched in the “off” position (silent mode) during the school day. 
      • Main office phones will be available for students to contact families if necessary during the school day.  Please call the main office if you need to get a message to your child and we will be sure this occurs.
      • Social media of any kind is not allowed during the school day. 
      • Students will be required to leave electronic devices in the classroom when using the bathroom.
      • If students are referred to the office for disciplinary reasons, they will be required to turn in their electronic devices. These devices must be turned off at the time of submission. 
      • Food and Drinks:  We offer all students access to free breakfast and lunch daily as well as a breakfast cart.  Therefore, outside food and drink is highly discouraged for a number of health and safety reasons.
        • Students may be permitted to eat or drink in a classroom at the discretion of their respective teacher.  
        • Students are NOT to supply food or beverages to other students for safety and health purposes.  Trays of outside food and beverages for others are strictly prohibited.
        • Students are NOT to use/order Doordash, Uber Eats, or other delivery services during the school day.
        • Under no circumstances should partially consumed food or beverages be stored in student lockers. 

      We are very excited to have the hallways filled with students, hear all the stories about summer break and look forward to a great year together!  If you have questions at any time, please feel free to call the main office at (207) 353-3030.


      Susan E. Magee, Principal